Do All ATMs Have Cameras? Facts To Know


Nowadays, ATMs come equipped with cameras. Like the majority of other cameras, ATM cameras capture everything that is happening in front of them as users conduct ATM transactions. All captured images or videos are then kept on the ATM, so bank employees are expected to physically have access to ATMs in order to access this data.

Most bank ATMs have a camera inside of them pointing at you and a camera that covers the exterior of the ATM. A few ATMs lack cameras, but there are still some that have overhead or side cameras that provide security.

For more information on ATM cameras, keep reading.

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Do All ATMs Have Cameras Now?

Nowadays, the majority of ATMs have cameras inside. Two types of cameras are employed by a sizable number of ATMs. The initial camera, which is still clearly visible and is placed on top of or very near the ATM, is still in place. In order to capture the customer’s facial features, the second camera is frequently concealed inside the ATM itself.

The obvious camera can aid in deterring any type of criminal activity or dubious activity close to the ATM machine. Additionally, it gives the viewer a better view of the bigger picture than the small hidden camera and allows them to see what is happening around the ATM machine.

However, the second camera and the hidden camera will be excellent at spotting potential hackers and thieves who are eager to break into the system or try to coerce people into giving them money by using the ATM machine. Although these two cameras cater to different needs, their combined footage tells a more specific and comprehensive story and also helps investigations go a little more smoothly.


What Are Functions Of ATM Cameras?

ATMs are now equipped with CCTV cameras, giving banks the ability to view footage and try to prosecute criminals. However, you have to understand that this security solution does not really prevent crime but it offers a whole lot of functions, and they include;

1. Real-Time Response To Attacks

In this day and age, ATM surveillance systems can easily report events and incidents in real-time. For instance, if an attempt is made to force a terminal, the bank’s security service will be alerted and given access to event footage so that it can act quickly. To implement this function, however, special alarm sensors must be mounted on the ATM.

A mobile phone can receive alarm notifications if the system is configured to do so. You can also create a scenario for any unauthorized impact on an ATM. Be aware that the scenario may result in the closing of the area where the cash machine is located, the sending of a signal to the police, and the turning off of the terminal.

When someone covers the ATM security cameras or a hidden camera, the video surveillance system sends a notification to the bank’s security service. The officer on duty can then turn off the ATM, preventing thieves from stealing sensitive data or infecting the ATM computer with malware.

Due to these, modern video surveillance systems in ATMs can protect against a variety of logical and physical attacks. As additional ATM skimming prevention tools, a variety of anti-skimming gadgets and technologies, like white noise generators, can be installed. These tools obstruct the transmission of data to attackers from card readers and magnetic stripe readers.

2. Face Detection And Recognition

Face detection is a feature that ATM cameras are known to offer. The risk of some fraudulent actions is decreased if the face is not detected by the ATM, which may prevent cashing out.

Face recognition, in the opinion of experts, is the next development in contemporary video surveillance systems. It can be used as a factor or as a complete method for authorizing ATM users, service providers, and CIT officers. Also take note of the fact that it connects the user’s face to their transaction, allowing banks to track down all of the transactions in which a particular person was involved.

3. Access To Photo And Video Of Transactions

The main purpose of ATM cameras is to gather and store images and videos taken inside the machine on a server. Note that the bank can then quickly conduct a search for the necessary data regarding any transaction using a variety of criteria (card number, transaction date, event, or alarm).

You can search through your entire fleet of ATMs because the system gathers data from every terminal network device. Experts claim that by doing this, the bank needs to put forth less effort to resolve disputes and respond to them more quickly. Additionally, to ensure a high level of personal data security, Card details are disguised in accordance with PCI Data Security Standard. Access to them is restricted to approved users.

4. Data Security

In the modern era, ATM cameras record in the same way as conventional CCTVS, and video can be very helpful when it comes to ATMs. First off, it can assist in resolving client disputes when promised cash isn’t delivered. To resolve larger criminal cases, video footage from the recordings can also be combined with other data.

For instance, CCTVs from banks and stores where the account had been used could be cross-referenced with the ATM footage to find the offender if an ATM was mishandled and a criminal obtained a person’s bank details and used them fraudulently.

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Where Are The Cameras In An ATM?

Behind a fictitious cover installed on the ATM’s receipt slot, the tiny camera and its parts were concealed. If the thieves are able to obtain your card, they can use your PIN information to quickly make sizable withdrawals from your account without your knowledge.

Can A Bank Check The Cameras On An Atm?

Banks can quickly identify suspicious activity near their ATMs, such as someone lingering at the machine but not making a transaction, which could be a sign that someone is installing a skimming device, by installing a reliable ATM camera and using the right kind of video analytics.

Are Tracking Systems Present In All ATMs?

They do, of course. A South Seattle University automated teller machine was targeted by suspects. Around one in the morning, the suspects allegedly crashed their pickup into the building’s front doors. as well as loaded up the right behind the building is an ATM.

Are ATMs Monitored?

Complete end-to-end visibility into the health status, cash, and consumable levels of ATM systems is revealed by real-time monitoring and analysis of ATMs. ATM monitoring will produce alerts, warnings, and data analysis for proactive incident management when defined rules are in place.

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