How Long is 100 Days in Minecraft? (Answered)

How Long is 100 Days in Minecraft

If you are wondering how long is 100 days in Minecraft, the answer is around 33 hours of real-time.

Over the past ten years, the game Minecraft has grown to become one of the most well-known in the entire world. Read on to find out.

How Long is a Day in Minecraft?

So, how long is 100 days in Minecraft exactly?

The time cycles in Minecraft appeal to a lot of gamers. Therefore, if you’ve been curious how long 100 days are in Minecraft, the number is 33.3 hours or approximately three days.

We came to that conclusion by taking into account the fact that one hour in real time corresponds to three days in Minecraft.

The computation above gives a result of 3 days. In Minecraft, 100 days are equivalent to roughly that amount of time in the real world.

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How to Change the Time in Minecraft?

How Long is 100 Days in Minecraft

Here are instructions for changing the time in Minecraft step-by-step.

Step 1: Allowing Cheats

Players must guarantee and they’re in a world where cheats are enabled. If cheating is not allowed, this process will not be successful.

Cheats may be activated in the Minecraft Java version by connecting to a LAN and clicking the “Enable Cheats” button.

Cheats may be activated in Minecraft Bedrock Edition by heading to the “Game” option in the settings menu and turning the button to allow the “Cheats” setting.

Step 2: Navigate to the Chat Window

Players must now launch the Minecraft chat window in order to enter the cheat command.

This is carried out in various ways depending on the platform the player is using. Here’s how to access the chat window on various devices:

To open the chat window on PC, the player needs to press T.

Players in Pocket Edition should press the chat button at the top of the screen.

Players on Xbox and PlayStation should press right on the D-Pad.

Players of the Nintendo Switch must click the right arrow.

Step 3: Enter the Command

When the chat window is open, type the commands /time set day, /time set night, and /time set noon to change the time to a specific period of time.

For more accurate time setting, more experienced players may also use ticks or days. Players may use the standard /time set command, as seen above, and provide a number followed by d (days, 24000 ticks) or s (seconds) (seconds, 20 ticks). /time set 20s, for example.

Step 4: Carrying Out the Command:

Once all of this information has been entered, players should send a chat message to carry out the command. Based on what the user wrote, this will immediately change the time of day.

If the time does not change, it was either entered incorrectly or the cheats were not properly enabled.

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How Do I Tell Time in Minecraft?

To keep track of day and night in the game, you can craft a clock with one Redstone Dust and four Gold Ingots in a 3×3 crafting grid.

A clock can be especially helpful in guiding players away from mobs that spawn at night on the surface and in helping you unlock the 100 days of Minecraft (Passing the Time) achievement.

The End and the Ether, however, do not have a cycle of day and night, so the clock is useless in them.

Bottom Line: How Long is 100 Days in Minecraft

After all of the equations and descriptions above, now we can finally answer how long is 100 days in Minecraft. According to the above conversion formula, 33 hours of real time should be required to complete 100 days in Minecraft.

If you want to track your time in-game, you can make a clock, but you can also change and stop time altogether, depending on whether you need it for your game or not.If you want to learn more Minecraft, read our posts below:


How Long is a 100 Minecraft Days in Real Life?

About 33 hours.

How Do I Make It Always Day in Minecraft?

To turn off the day-night cycle in Minecraft, open the chat window and enter the following command: /gamerule DoDayLightCycle false. As an alternative, you can set the time manually.

Can I Speed Up Time in Minecraft?

To speed up time and make crops grow faster, use the command /gamerule randomTickSpeed number. If there is a higher number than 1, substitute it. To reset back to the default, enter the command /gamerule randomTickSpeed 1.