Error Code 111 Paramount Plus: 5 Ways to Fix

Error Code 111 Paramount Plus

Paramount Plus is a well-known American-based streaming platform. No matter the platform you use, you can encounter a couple of errors such as error code 111 paramount plus. Fortunately, the fixes we provided can take care of this issue.

This error code 111 typically appears when users browse the paramount Plus application to pass the time and occurs when the sponsors of the content that the user is attempting to access prevent the paramount Plus app’s developers from downloading it.

However, users can easily resolve this issue by following the straightforward instructions that are detailed in this article, as it is not a significant issue. Therefore, let’s begin with the solutions.

What Does Error Code 111 Mean on Paramount Plus?

The simple meaning of error code 111 on Paramount Plus is that the content cannot be loaded on your device. This error can occur for a number of reasons. First, there’s a chance that a power outage or power failure caused the device that Paramount Plus is running on to shut down.

Error Code 111 Paramount Plus

Another cause is that some corrupt cache and data may have accumulated in Paramount Plus. A problem with your internet connection is the final possible reason. When error code 111 appears, there is no need to be concerned because the problem can be fixed easily.

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How to Fix Paramount Plus Error Code 111

Apply all of the guidance provided below to solve the Paramount Plus error code 111. Additionally, there are only a few solutions to fix error 111 on paramount, but these techniques quickly fix the issue.

Method 1: Clear Paramount App’s Cache

Clear Paramount App's Cache

It’s possible for your mobile device’s apps or the browser you’re using to occasionally collect cache, which includes unwanted data. For the software and applications to operate properly on your devices, you must clean it. To clear the cache, follow the instructions below:


  1. Open the browser.
  2. Click MORE in the top right corner.
  3. To clear browsing data, select MORE TOOLS first.
  4. When asked when you want your data to be deleted, choose the ALL TIME option.
  5. Tap on CLEAR DATA.


  1. Start Chrome or a different web browser.
  2. Choose the MORE option in the top right corner.
  3. Tap on the HISTORY option then on CLEAR BROWSING DATA.
  4. Choose ALL-TIME from the time span drop-down menu.
  6. Click on the CLEAR DATA option.

Method 2: Sign Out and Sign-in from Paramount App

If Paramount is still giving you error code 111. Ensure that you sign in and out of the paramount app. If this fixes the problem, this means the problem has occurred on the app. For instance, this occurs when apps need to be updated.

Method 3: Use Faster Internet Connection

when internet connectivity is sluggish or inconsistent. The error code 111 for Paramount Plus is still present. If the content can’t be loaded from the server because of slow internet on your device, it occurs. The app will display the error code if the content or ads cannot be loaded.

Click here to begin the internet benchmark and check your device’s internet speed. Your internet connection is bad if the speed is less than 1MBPS. To solve the issue, use a different network. As a backup network, you can use mobile data or a hotspot.

Method 4: Disable Ad Blocker

Disable Ad Blocker

if any adblocker software, such as an app or script, is installed on your computer. The Paramount Plus error 111 message mentions turning off the adblocker. Adblocker, for example, stops the advertisements. When you try to play the paramount content. Ads cannot play because of adblocker. This will create an error on the app.

Make sure to turn off your device’s ad blocker if you want to get rid of error 111. A few publicly accessible DNS servers have scripts for blocking advertisements. For example, AlternateDNS has an active ad blocker. If an adblocker is enabled and you are using a public DNS.

Make sure to disable it and then check if the error still persists. The ads only display at least 30 seconds. Report excessive ad exposure, but make sure not to use Adblocker on the paramount app.

Method 5: Restart Your Device

  1. Completely turn off the device by pressing and holding the Power button.
  2. If your device is powered by a cable, unplug the cable from the device for at least a minute after you’ve turned it off.
  3. Reconnect the device’s power cord and turn it back on.

Final Thoughts on Error Code 111 Paramount Plus

Using Adblocker on your device causes the Paramount Plus error code 111 to appear. Make sure to disable the adblocker and then check if the internet is working. After that, your device will no longer experience this issue.

Here are some fixes for the error code 111 that Paramount Plus users may encounter.

Were these instructions helpful? Post your comments if you have any. Feel free to ask us questions in the comments if you have any questions about Paramount.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Does Error Code 111 Mean on Paramount Plus?

The Paramount Plus device is unable to load the content you are trying to access, according to error code 111.

Does the Paramount Plus App Stream Well on Mobile Phones?

Yes, without a doubt. The Paramount Plus app was created & released to stream in order to browse on phones, PCs, and various other devices. Therefore, whether a user chooses to open it on a computer or a mobile device is entirely up to them.

Why Does Paramount Plus Keep Saying Error?

While using the app to try to load content, errors can appear on Paramount Plus for a variety of reasons. There are numerous causes for this, including a bad network, problems with streaming, ad-blocking software, etc. But different problems have particular error codes.