How to Put on a Camera Strap? Ultimate Guide

How to Put on a Camera Strap

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or it’s the first time you’ve picked up a camera, there’s one basic problem that baffles all photographers – how to put on a camera strap.

Don’t just take that camera strap out of the box and put it on any old how. It could slip!

When you consider the weight of the camera, the lens, and possibly the flash, you have a significant amount of weight hanging around your neck.

If you want your camera gear to be safe while you use it, this is definitely one time that you really should read the manual on how to attach a camera strap to your camera the right way.

How to Put on a Camera Strap?

If you prefer a step-by-step written guide, here’s our best effort at explaining the process of attaching a neck strap to a camera.

  1. Check to see that your neck strap is facing the right direction; the exposed top and bottom of the camera strap should be facing outward.
  2. Thread the loose end of the camera strap through the attachment point on the camera, which is typically a metal triangular or flat loop, with the strap facing the camera.)
  3. The fastening “collar” that is connected to the strap’s loose end must be threaded through.
  4. Then, in order to have enough slack for step 5, push the upper portion of the strap through the top portion of the buckle.
  5. The tricky part is to insert the loose end of the strap so that it enters “inside” the loop you just made through the top end of the buckle. Then, feed the same loose end back through the bottom, outside opening of the buckle.
  6. With the opposite end of your strap, repeat steps 1 through 5.

This method of fastening your new strap to your camera ensures that there won’t be any loose ends hanging off the buckle and that your camera will be secure when hanging from your neck.

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Are You Sure Your Camera Strap is Fitted Correctly?

How to Put on a Camera Strap

If you’ve had your camera a while and can’t remember how you fastened the strap on, it would be a very good idea to check and make sure it’s okay. It’s also important to remember that just because you’ve used other cameras doesn’t necessarily mean you did it correctly.

I have firsthand knowledge of this error.

I’ve owned 8 SLR and DSLR cameras over the years, but when I realized I’d attached the strap improperly on two of them, I was startled. Before I noticed it, it had been that way for about a month!

Mistakes to Avoid When Attaching a Camera Strap

Normally, attaching the camera strap is one of the easiest things that you can do, as you have seen from our tutorial.

Even so, there are still a lot of potential problems, and we want to make sure you are doing everything in your power to avoid them. Otherwise, you might find yourself in an uncomfortable situation.

Fortunately, we are here to assist you in avoiding the mistakes. Therefore, to make it simpler for you, we will walk you through the process of attaching the strap if you are unsure of how to do so.

You will receive a strap from the manufacturers that has been precisely cut to the length you require, along with all the necessary harnesses for attachment. It’s for safety reasons to make sure nothing goes wrong.

But most of the time, people end up altering the straps in some way, whether it be by cutting them or otherwise. We won’t recommend this to anyone because it will only lead to more problems.

Buying Cheaper Straps

Third-party straps are perfectly acceptable, and we’ll continue to bring them up in conversation. That does not, however, imply that you should just purchase anything that is offered on the market.

You must purchase a strap that is both reliable and strong enough to hold your camera and allow you to pull on it.

Following the Wrong Tutorial

In all honesty, you can find a ton of tutorials online, all of which differ from one another. We have been using the same tutorial for our camera straps because it is the closest to the original that we could find.

So, if you want to make sure that everything works for you, following this tutorial is the best course of action.

Final Words: How to Put on a Camera Strap

Be sure to find a strap that is comfortable for you. The standard issue straps work great but are sometimes very stiff.

We don’t claim that this is the only “correct” way to attach a camera strap, so if you know of another approach, please share it with us in the comments section below.


Do Professional Photographers Use Straps?

Yes, professional photographers do use camera straps. 

Why Use a Hand Strap for Camera?

Compared to a neck strap, a hand grip strap is much shorter. It is made to be worn around your wrist or hand while you are shooting. This helps to make holding the camera more comfortable and keeps it from falling from your hands